How to Create Blogger Auto ReadMore (Thumbnails) V2 + Button (Updated2014)


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How to Create Blogger Auto ReadMore (Thumbnails) V2 + Button (Updated2014)

Saturday, October 12, 2019

How to Create Blogger Auto ReadMore (Thumbnails) V2 + Button (Updated2014) - Hallo Dear,, This article that you read this time with the title How to Create Blogger Auto ReadMore (Thumbnails) V2 + Button (Updated2014), We have prepared this article well for you to read and retrieve the information in it. hopefully the contents of we write can be understood by you. Alright, happy reading.

Title : How to Create Blogger Auto ReadMore (Thumbnails) V2 + Button (Updated2014)
link : How to Create Blogger Auto ReadMore (Thumbnails) V2 + Button (Updated2014)

How to Create Blogger Auto ReadMore (Thumbnails) V2 + Button (Updated2014)

make auto readmore with thumbnail and button update 2014

This is an old post that I updated back and am adjusting with a number of things, especially the issue of editing a template that is different from the old template. In addition, there are still many blogger friends who listen to how to make auto readmore version one less than perfect, and this article is actually a refinement, but maybe because this article still loses in SE search (under the readmore V1 article), many of my blogger friends enter there. Therefore, I updated this post again complete with auto readmore images that can be used free.

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The auto readmore blogger / blogspot script with thumbnails (preview images) is a refinement of the auto readmore V1 script, where a problem is found on a static page. When a static page is displayed, auto readmore also appears, so it must be given an exception (b if cond & b else) for static pages in the script. In addition, javascript in auto readmore is also internal so there is no need to load an external .js file that is uploaded to another hosting. Even though the template file is slightly larger, the loading page is faster than the previous auto readmore.

The steps:
1. Go to dashboard> Template> Edit HTML. Download / back up the XML template file first so that later you can restore it to normal if there is an error.
2. If the first auto readmore script has been filled in first, delete it first, use the guide from the post auto readmore V1 to find out what needs to be deleted and returned.
3. Copy-paste the following script right BELOW (use Ctrl + F and enter the tag in the search box, press enter):
  • summary_noimg= number of characters without images,
  • summary_img= number of characters with images,\
  • while img_thumb_height and img_thumb_width is the image size (height and width (in pixels)).

Change the points as you wish.
3. Then search (use Ctrl + F, enter the code in the search box, press enter), and REPLACE with:

Thus the article How to Create Blogger Auto ReadMore (Thumbnails) V2 + Button (Updated2014)

So this article, How to Create Blogger Auto ReadMore (Thumbnails) V2 + Button (Updated2014) hopefully can benefit you all. ok, see you in another article post.

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